
Dire Need for Revamping Public Transportation Buses, Minibuses

About 90% of minibuses and 80% of buses are reportedly decrepit and their modernization will help reduce their high fuel consumption and air pollution
Dire Need for Revamping Public Transportation Buses, Minibuses
Dire Need for Revamping Public Transportation Buses, Minibuses

A large number of buses, minibuses and vans in Iran’s public transportation fleet are worn-out, but the bodies in charge have failed to revamp this fleet.
The process of modernization has been extremely slow in recent years, as officials and institutions concerned announce that projects are in the pipeline to get rid of the worn-out passenger fleet but the momentum has been missing, Donyaye Khodro reported.
In the past 12 years, no effective initiative has been taken for bus modernization, even though more than 80% of the buses are reportedly decrepit and their use imposes heavy costs on the government.
The Ministry of Industries, Mining and Trade had announced that 8,000 to 10,000 new buses would be supplied under a contract to reduce the high fuel consumption in decrepit vehicles and cut air pollution.


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