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18 Domestic Transportation Apps, Services Developed

The applications and services developed by domestic knowledge-based companies can assist officials and executive entities in easing and promoting public transportation nationwide

Domestic companies have developed 18 applications and services to help ease public transportation problems.

While public transportation is time-consuming and inconvenient because of crowding, its advantages outweigh disadvantages. It helps reduce fuel consumption, lessen traffic, protect the environment and prevent air pollution, the news portal of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology reported.

While many citizens used cars to avoid the Covid-19 transmission, it is crucial to encourage them to once again use public transportation.

According to experts, the only way to do this is by using new technologies and improving the quality of services.

With the support of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology, some of the applications and services developed to improve public transportation are as follows: "Integrated Urban Pay Platform for Taxi Service Payments", "Bus Finder System (Autobus Yab in Persian)", "New Generation of Smart Bus Notification Signs", "Kioosk, Smart Taxi Request in Cities", “Payment of City Train Fare", "Integrated electronic wallet", "Municipality’s Smart Application" and "Video Map System".

The role of public transportation in solving urban challenges is quite clear and all economic and social experts emphasize the fact that the development of public transportation fleet has a great impact on the quality of urban living conditions.

With the lower use of personal vehicles, public transportation passengers will inexpensively and speedily travel with more safety and comfort. 

To achieve these objectives, the applications and services developed by domestic knowledge-based companies can assist officials and executive entities in easing and promoting public transportation nationwide.



17 Tech Products to Help Ease Road Traffic, Air Pollution 

Earlier, domestic knowledge-based companies and startups had developed 17 innovative products to improve road traffic and reduce air pollution.

This was in response to the rising number of vehicles and inner-city trips that worsened traffic and air pollution in major Iranian cities. 

Across the world, this is accomplished by increasing the use of public transportation, improving car quality, organizing street networks, facilitating cargo transportation, using non-motorized transportation and creating efficient rules and regulations.

These products include "Bluetooth Traffic Counter", "Radar Traffic Counter", "Accident Detection Software System", "Smart Recording of Violations Through Surveillance Cameras", "Emergency Vehicle Prioritization System", "Monitoring and Information Collection System", "Violation Registration Cameras", "Restricted Traffic Zones Licensing System", "Events Registration", "Telecommunications Infrastructure System", "Request for Installation of Traffic Logos", "Traffic Logo Issuance" and "Traffic Training Park".

A traffic counter, for example, is an electronic device used to classify and/or gauge the speed of vehicular traffic passing along a roadway. It helps ease road traffic and expand the use of public transportation system.



Tehran Air Quality Dismal

Air quality was “good” for only two days in the past one year (April 21, 2021-April 20), charts published by Tehran Air Quality Control Company’s website,, show. 

The company said 246 days turned out to be moderate, 110 days remained unhealthy for sensitive groups, seven days were unhealthy and one day was hazardous.

The index categorizes air conditions according to a measure of polluting matters into good (0-50), moderate (51-100), unhealthy for sensitive groups (101-150), unhealthy (151-200), very unhealthy (201-300) and hazardous (301-500).

TAQCC indicates that the “good” status was recorded for two days in the first month of the current fiscal year (March 21-April 20).

Statistics show that the “moderate” status was recorded for 22 days, as AQI hovered between 51 and 100 during the period.

Sensitive groups in Tehran suffer most from toxic air. They were advised to limit outdoor activities on six days, since AQI hovered between 101 and 150.

Children, the elderly, pregnant women and those with respiratory and cardiovascular problems are included in the sensitive group.

“Unhealthy” status was recorded only for one day, as AQI hovered between 151-200 during the period.

Also, “hazardous” was recorded in this month when AQI hovered between 301-500 during the month.

The high density of PM2.5 (particulate matters smaller than 2.5 micrometers) and PM10 has been the main culprit behind the polluted days of the year.