
Renewing Urban Public Transport

Iranian state institutions have joined hands to speed up the renovation of aging urban and intercity public transportation vehicles throughout the country
Renewing Urban Public Transport
Renewing Urban Public Transport

Financial constraints and US sanctions have beleaguered Iranian urban planners in recent years, such that attempts to renew the public transportation fleet became an uphill task.
However, state-run organizations and businesses have intermittently joined forces to buttress the ailing sector and enhance public transportation services.
According to Fars News Agency, the Iran Road Maintenance and Transportation Organization has made the latest move, signing contracts with domestic automakers to add over 19,000 new intercity buses, minibuses and taxis to the country's passenger fleet.
Sadrollah Bemana, secretary of the organization’s working group for the restoration of dilapidated passenger fleets, said the initial budget allocated for the contracts amounts to 30 trillion rials ($100 million) and the agreements are expected to be fully implemented within the next two years.
"The intercity transportation system is aging rapidly and will lose efficiency, if renovations are not expedited," he said.


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