
More Stations for Tehran Metro

Until the end of the current fiscal year (March 2022), Tehran Metro Company plans to open eight additional stations and five new entrances
More Stations for Tehran Metro
More Stations for Tehran Metro

The subway network in the capital city of Tehran will have at least eight more stations by the end of the current Iranian year (March 2022), the head of Tehran Metro Company said.
Ali Emam added that the new stations would come on stream in Line 3, 6 and 7, ISNA reported.
“We are planning to complete tunneling and railroad infrastructure in the southern flank of Line 6, which runs 7.5 kilometers up to Shah Abdolazim Shrine Station,” he said.
The official noted that based on the line’s extension design, the path will then link up with Shahr-e Rey Station in the south of Line 1.
Line 6 is the longest route in the subway network, which will stretch over 38 km with 27 stations upon completion. It connects Shahr-e Rey to the famed Sulaqan rural district in the northwest.


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