
Public Transportation Partially Blamed for New Covid Casualties

Head of Tehran City Council says rides on crowded buses and subway have had an undeniable destructive role in the spread of the virus
Public Transportation Partially Blamed for New Covid Casualties
Public Transportation Partially Blamed for New Covid Casualties

Public means of transportation is a hotbed of Covid-19 transmission, especially in major cities like Tehran, and immediate action must be taken before it gets too late, the head of Tehran City Council says.
During a Sunday meeting with TCC members, Mohsen Hashemi said Covid-19 infection and mortality rates have reached a new worrisome high, Fars News reported.
“Iran logged a record high of 9,450 new infections on Saturday,” he said, emphasizing that rides on crowded buses and subway trains have had an undeniable destructive role in the spread of the virus. 
Noting that social distancing is practically impossible in public vehicles, the TCC chief said, “Developing the transport system and adding new buses and trains increase the prospect of controlling the pandemic, especially in Tehran.”
Hashemi emphasized that the government has not invested in the expansion of public transportation for over a decade. 
“This should be compensated in order to gradually remove the troublesome deficiencies,” he said.
On Saturday, the National Coronavirus Taskforce issued a night curfew on nonessential businesses in areas hit hardest by the virus.


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