
Jam-Packed Subway Trains Heighten Concerns About Covid-19 Spread

Tehran Police chief expressed disquiet over the risk of contracting the disease in crowded trains and cautioned that the observation of social distancing is very difficult while using public transportation services
Jam-Packed Subway Trains Heighten Concerns About Covid-19 Spread
Jam-Packed Subway Trains Heighten Concerns About Covid-19 Spread

The resumption of traffic schemes in Tehran as of last week has reduced traffic congestion in the city’s thoroughfares, but it is increasing passenger density in subway trains, heightening concerns about the spread of Covid-19.
Tehran Police Chief Hossein Rahimi expressed disquiet over the risk of the disease proliferating in the crowded trains and cautioned that social distancing is very difficult while using public means of transportation, ISNA reported.
“The police force is planning to collaborate with Tehran Metro Company to help passengers and metro staff adhere to hygiene guidelines,” he said.
Wearing facemask, which is highly recommended for protection against the virus, has become mandatory for subway passengers. 
Rahimi said police officers will start checking passengers in stations to assure the rule is not violated.


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