The Statue of Penelope will return home together with her three Roman counterparts to be displayed on the first day of Tourism Week (Sept. 27-Oct. 3).
The statues will be displayed at the National Museum of Iran, CHTN reported.
“Security measures have been taken into account with the assistance of Italian experts,” said Jebreil Nokandeh, director of the museum.
Nokandeh said the three Roman statues coming to Iran are significant because they are the first-ever non-Iranian historical objects loaned to Iran.
In 1940, the headless sculpture of a fully-dressed woman was discovered in the ruins of Persepolis in Fars Province. It is believed to be that of Penelope, the wife of Odysseus in Homer’s epic poem “Odyssey”.
The life-size statue of Penelope is made of marble and historical documents suggest it was a peace offering from Greece to the erstwhile king of Persia in 450 BC.
The statue was loaned to Italy over four months ago to be displayed at the Prada Foundation of Milan.