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People, Travel

Jajroud River Tourism Project Underway

A project to turn Jajroud River into a tourist hotspot to better cater to the needs of travelers was launched last week.

During the project’s inaugural address, Rajabali Khosroabadi, director of Tehran’s Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Department, said the plan, managed by Lavasanat Municipality, is a major step toward attracting more visitors to the area, especially on weekends, ISNA reported.

“All tourism-related projects in the province factor in sustainable development of natural resources,” he said.

The official noted that precise planning and scientific approach to tourism projects will ensure “they do not adversely impact the environment and guarantee the preservation of resources for future generations”.

Khosroabadi said the beautification of the riverbed is a major part of the project, adding that the plan also aims to curb damage caused by seasonal floods.

Infrastructure for water sports, artificial lake, walking and jogging routes, horse-riding facilities and playgrounds are to be developed along the river bank.

Originating at the Alborz mountain range, Jajroud flows south toward Latiyan Dam in Tehran’s Lavasanat District. Due to the proximity of Lavasanat to the Alborz mountain range, the district’s cool climate and unusually clean air have turned Lavasanat into a top weekend getaway destination for the residents of Tehran.