
Iran Steadfast in Promoting Dialogue, Multilateralism

Iran Steadfast in Promoting Dialogue, Multilateralism
Iran Steadfast in Promoting Dialogue, Multilateralism

Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif stressed the need for regional dialogue and cooperation among Asian states to promote multilateralism, assuring that Iran would be a "steadfast partner" in the pursuit of this goal.   
Zarif made the statement at the 16th ministerial meeting of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue in Doha, Qatar, on Wednesday, the Foreign Ministry's website reported.
Asia Cooperation Dialogue is an inter-governmental organization created in 2002 to promote Asian cooperation at the continental level. It has 34 member states whose top ministers attend an annual meeting.
In his speech at the meeting, Zarif said Asia is undergoing crises due to the lack of regional dialogue and the unilateral policies of the US administration. 


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