
Refusal to Comply With Global Norms Could Play Into US Hands

Refusal to Comply With Global Norms Could Play Into US Hands
Refusal to Comply With Global Norms Could Play Into US Hands

Iran's refusal to complete financial reforms that would bring it into line with global norms will only result in its isolation and give the United States a chance to forge an international alliance against the Islamic Republic, a senior lawmaker said. 
"Under the current circumstances, we should not tie our national interests and interactions with other countries to America's behavior. Enemies are making every effort to isolate us internationally and any move that could cut Iran's relations with the outside world will definitely not benefit the country," Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh also told ICANA. 
Falahatpisheh, who is the chairman of Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, made the statements amid growing calls by some politicians to stop the process of deliberating on new anti-money laundering and terrorism financing rules in response to Washington's recent designation of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps as a terrorist organization. 


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