
Need for Proactive Détente Initiative Toward Arabs

Need for Proactive Détente Initiative Toward Arabs
Need for Proactive Détente Initiative Toward Arabs

Iran needs to take the initiative to soften the atmosphere prevailing in its relations with Arab states and prevent the “radicalization” of their views toward the country in order to safeguard national interests, a former diplomat said.
In a recent interview with the Iranian Diplomacy website, Jalal Sadatian added that Tehran should work proactively to strengthen ties with Arab allies and defuse tensions in relations with other Arab governments, if it does not want them to get closer to Israel and pile up pressure on the Islamic Republic. 
“However, we should not put all the onus on the Foreign Ministry. It is necessary that all organizations and institutions act in coordination with the diplomatic apparatus and avoid a hardline stance or harsh rhetoric so as to prevent the radicalization of the Arab community’s views toward Iran,” he said. 


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