
Zarif: Munich Conference Could Help Fortify Nuclear Deal

The Munich Security Report 2019 criticizes the US “disdain” for international institutions and agreements, including the Iran nuclear deal
Zarif: Munich Conference Could Help Fortify Nuclear Deal
Zarif: Munich Conference Could Help Fortify Nuclear Deal

The upcoming Munich Security Conference could serve as a platform for the renewal of commitment to the Iran nuclear deal as senior representatives from countries supporting the landmark agreement will be present, IRNA wrote in a report published on Tuesday.
The 55th edition of the conference, which runs from Feb. 15-17, will be attended by German Chancellor Angela Merkel as well as representatives of other European countries, the United States, Russia and China. 
Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif will also participate in the event, which will discuss a wide range of issues, including the European Union’s self-assertion, transatlantic cooperation, the future of arms control, the threat of escalating power rivalries and the effects of climate change and technological innovations on the international security. 


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