
Tepid Stance on Syrian Kurds in Iran’s Interests

Tepid Stance on Syrian Kurds in Iran’s Interests
Tepid Stance on Syrian Kurds in Iran’s Interests

Iran should retain its low-profile stance on Kurds in Syria as any change of approach could negatively affect its relations with other regional players, a political analyst said. 
In a recent interview with the Iranian Diplomacy website, Bahram Amir-Ahmadian, an expert on Turkish and Syrian affairs, described Iran’s decision to stake out a muted position on developments regarding Kurdish Syrians as “very logical” and “appropriate”.
“Any Iranian reaction to the issue of Syrian Kurds can have repercussions in Iraq’s Kurdistan region, Turkish Kurdistan and Iran’s Kurdestan,” he said, when asked whether Iran would become more vocal on the situation of Syrian Kurdish groups following US President Donald Trump’s abrupt decision to withdraw troops from Syria.  


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