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Danish Envoy Summoned Over Assassination Charges

The Foreign Ministry summoned the Danish ambassador in Tehran on Wednesday to express Iran’s strong protest over Denmark’s “hasty political and media reactions” to the arrest of an Iranian-Norwegian accused of an assassination plot.  

The ministry also called for a wiser approach to the development and warned of the negative consequences of such ill-considered and controversial measures, IRNA reported. 

A Norwegian citizen of Iranian background was arrested on Oct. 21 in connection with a plot to assassinate the leader of a dissident group linked to the Al-Ahvaziya terror group in the Nordic country. 

The suspect had been observed photographing and watching the home of the dissident leader.

Denmark on Tuesday accused the Iranian government's intelligence service of being behind the plot.  

“We are dealing with an Iranian intelligence agency planning an attack on Danish soil. Obviously, we can’t and won’t accept that,” Danish intelligence chief, Finn Borch Andersen, was quoted as saying by Reuters. 

Both the Norwegian suspect and the Iranian government have denied the charges. 

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qasemi strongly denied the allegation, describing it “a continuation of schemes by the known enemies of Iran's good and growing relations with Europe at this critical time”, IRNA reported. 

Since the United States’ withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran and its restoration of sanctions, Iran has been looking to the European Union, another party to the agreement, to salvage the accord. 

The EU has announced firm support for the pact and is taking measures to preserve it, minus the US, by safeguarding Iran's interests. 


Push for Penalties 

Denmark has now called for fresh European Union-wide sanctions against Tehran.

“In light of the latest development, Denmark will now push for a discussion in the EU on the need for further sanctions against Iran,” Danish Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen said. 

The arrest was immediately welcomed by the US with its Secretary of State Mike Pompeo congratulating the government of Denmark “on its arrest of an Iranian regime assassin” in a tweet. 

“We call on our allies and partners to confront the full range of Iran’s threats to peace and security,” he wrote on his Twitter. 

Iran had earlier summoned the Danish envoy over a Sept. 22 shooting attack on a military parade in Khuzestan, in which 25 people were killed. The assault was claimed by Al-Ahvaziya. 

Iran accused Denmark of harboring Iranian opposition groups at the time.