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President Rouhani Seeks Expert Counsel on Economic Woes

President Hassan Rouhani met a group of economists and university professors on Monday to seek expert advice on the ways to come to grips with economic challenges facing the country. 

In the three-hour meeting, the economic experts expressed their views and outlined solutions on current economic upheavals stemming from volatile markets, sweeping sanctions, inadequate financial systems and limited funds, the official website of the president reported. 

The gathering discussed a range of issues, including measures to tackle economic downturn and galloping inflation, develop efficient policymaking mechanisms, spur growth, increase the intervention of regulating bodies in the foreign exchange market, cushion the impact of economic shocks, improve interaction with the outside world and offer protective packages to support major businesses.

Participants highlighted the importance of promoting greater engagement of economists in drawing up major plans and preparing a well-coordinated campaign to counter sanctions. 

President Rouhani said the United States will not be able to maintain its hostile policies in the long run, when Iran undertakes “precise planning” and adopts right decisions. 

He also asked experts to provide the government with “practical solutions”, in addition to voicing their “rightful concerns”. 

The president announced that the government has worked out “comprehensive schemes to deal with the enemies’ economic and psychological warfare”.

Addressing the popular unease over financial hardships, Rouhani assured that the supply of essential goods such as foods and medicines will not hit a snag. 

After quitting a multi-party deal on Tehran’s nuclear activities in May, the administration of US President Donald Trump has mounted a full-scale campaign to squeeze Iran’s sources of income, particularly its oil revenues that constitute the country's lifeline, by reimposing harsh penalties and coercing international firms to avoid Iran’s lucrative markets.