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Assembly of Experts Calls for Improved Economic Conditions

The Assembly of Experts, a top body tasked with electing the leader of the Islamic Revolution has called on the three branches of the government to take practical and effective steps to improve the people’s economic condition.

In a Tuesday statement, the body said that the country “is facing a full-fledged economic and psychological warfare with the aim of separating the people from the ruling system.” While stating that the US sanctions will fail to disappoint the resilient nation, the statement warned that mismanagement and lack of strong belief in the “resistance economy” on the part of the government  paved the way for the enemies’ interference in the economy. The Experts called on the government to abide by the principles and goals of the so-called resistance economy, the outlines of which were outlined by the Leader of the Islamic Republic to build an economy reliant more on internal power and potential and less on foreign investment and assistance.  The assembly also called on the government to promote  domestically-made goods and improve the dysfunctional banking system to solve the mounting economic problems. It called on the judiciary to seriously fight corruption and embezzlement.