A senior security official on Tuesday reiterated that the Iraqi and Syrian governments want the presence of Iran's military advisors on their soil, saying that they are helping fight terrorism in the region.
"Iran's advisory role in Iraq and Syria is at the request of the two countries’ legal governments and aimed at fighting terrorism," secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani was quoted as saying by IRNA.
He said the world generally acknowledges that Iran's influential role and presence has been the main factor in preventing the self-styled Islamic State terrorist group from expanding its territorial control in Iraq and Syria and spreading its roots in Europe.
Withdrawal of Forces
The official's comments came days after Russia said foreign troops should leave Syria when the war ends and a political settlement is worked out.
After a meeting with his Syrian counterpart, Bashar al-Assad, on May 17, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, "We presume that, in connection with the significant victories and success of the Syrian Army in the fight against terrorism, with the onset of a more active part, with the onset of the political process in its more active phase, foreign armed forces will be withdrawn from the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic," CNN reported.
A day later, Alexander Lavrentiev, Putin's envoy for Syria, clarified that the Russian leader's statement was aimed at the US and Turkey along with Iran and Lebanon's Hezbollah.
"This statement involves all foreign troops in Syria including the Turkish, American, Iranian and Hezbollah," he said, according to Al Arabiya, but added that Putin's comments should be viewed as a "political message" rather than the beginning of a withdrawal process.
Independent Policy
The Foreign Ministry spokesman in Tehran, Bahram Qasemi, told a press briefing Monday that Iran will remain in Syria as long as it is deemed necessary.
"No one can force Iran to do anything. Iran is an independent country which pursues its policies in the region and the world based on its national interest," he said, Fars News Agency reported.
Support for Terrorism
Shamkhani accused the United States and its allies of supporting terrorists, saying Iran's effective campaign against terrorism and extremism has riled them.
"It is understandable why the US and its allies—who have been the founders and key supporters of Takfiri terrorism and will be the main loser on the field—are angry [with Iran]," he added.
Takfiris, inspired by Saudi Wahhabism, are hardliners who regard Muslims not following their extremist interpretation of Islam as heretics punishable by death.
Shamkhani, is of the opinion that there is "irrefutable evidence" that proves US military support for IS (aka Daesh and ISIS) terrorists to prolong their deadly and destructive existence.
"The US' futile attempts to limit the capabilities of the Islamic Republic shows Washington's weakness and desperation and is a clear evidence of Iran's self-induced power on the national and international stage," he added.