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Fight Against Terror Demands Political Will

The foreign ministry spokesperson said on Wednesday the stated objectives of the international coalition against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria are in direct contradiction to previous and current moves of its main sponsors and members.  


Marzieh Afkham also said, "The battle against terrorism requires political resolve, rather than propaganda and publicity shows."   

"Iran's clear and transparent stance toward the anti-IS coalition has already been announced by the Leader of the Islamic Republic and the Foreign Ministry," IRNA quoted her as saying on Wednesday.


She added the legality of the coalition is in question, since its formation was not in conformity with the UN mechanisms and international law.

She pointed to the hypocritical behavior of some leading countries in the coalition and said the fight against terrorism needs political will, rather than merely forming an international coalition meant to "show off".

"It is necessary to avoid double standards toward terrorism", she said, adding some leading states in the coalition have been well-known for their records in the instrumental use of anti-terror campaigns.

Stressing the need for "genuine" and "sincere" confrontation with terrorism, she reiterated that Iran feels and acts responsibly in this regard and calls on all counties to take sincere actions to truly help Iraqi people and government in their battle against terrorists and avoid any political and military intervention in the country's internal affairs.