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French FM to Visit Soon

A top French diplomat, Jean-Marc Ayrault, will visit Iran later this month to attend a meeting of Iran-France Economic Commission, ISNA reported on Sunday, citing diplomatic sources. The commission is resuming activities after a 17-year hiatus. Last year was propitious for relations between Tehran and western capitals, particularly Paris. The January 2016 implementation of the July 2015 nuclear pact between Iran and six world powers, including France, led to the removal of harsh international sanctions that were punishing Iran over an unproven allegation that it intended to develop atomic bombs. Days after the deal went into effect, President Hassan Rouhani traveled to Paris where he signed economic agreements estimated to be worth up to $33 billion. The deal has augured well for Iran's depressed economy and has encouraged foreign businessmen and officials to flock to Iran, in the hope of making profits in one of the last major untapped markets of the world.