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US Levels New Arms-Smuggling Charge

The top US admiral in the Middle East alleged on Monday that Iran continues to smuggle weapons and technology into Yemen, enabling Houthi fighters to fire missiles into neighboring Saudi Arabia that are more precise and far-reaching.

Iran denies accusations of providing arms to fuel one side of the war in Yemen, in which fighters from the country’s north, the Houthis, ousted the government from the capital of Sana’a in 2014.

The officer, Vice Admiral Kevin Donegan, claimed Iran is sustaining the Houthis with an increasingly potent arsenal of anti-ship and ballistic missiles, deadly sea mines and even explosive boats that have reportedly attacked Saudi-allied ships in the Red Sea or Saudi territory across Yemen’s northern border, the New York Times reported.

“These types of weapons did not exist in Yemen before the conflict,” said Donegan. “It’s not rocket science to conclude that the Houthis are getting not only these systems but likely training and advice and assistance in how to use them.” Apparently, Donegan is unaware of the arms deal signed by US President Donald Trump during his first visit to Saudi Arabia, which is worth $350 billion over 10 years—of which $110 billion will take effect immediately, CNBC reported. And the havoc caused by Saudi airstrikes is getting worse by the day, as they have killed thousands of civilians and displaced millions.