
Defense Chief Disparages New US Ban

Defense Chief Disparages New US Ban
Defense Chief Disparages New US Ban

Defense Minister Hossein Dehqan shrugged off the recent US measure to impose new sanctions on defense officials and companies, stressing that Tehran will press ahead with its missile program regardless of what others may say or want.

Speaking to reporters in Tehran on Friday, Dehqan described the latest US sanctions as “another episode in Washington’s hostile actions against the Islamic Republic,” Tasnim News Agency reported.

The US Treasury Department on Wednesday imposed sanctions on two defense officials, an Iranian company and members of a China-based network for what it called supporting Iran’s ballistic missile program.

Dehqan said the most important thing for Iran is “ensuring its national security,” stressing that the country would employ all capacities to that end without the need for permission from anyone.

He made it clear that Iran’s conduct is based on its will and determination, emphasizing that the Islamic Republic will never back off from any plan because of “intimidation or demands from others”.


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