
Raeisi Responds to Rouhani’s Complaint

Raeisi Responds to Rouhani’s Complaint
Raeisi Responds to Rouhani’s Complaint

Ebrahim Raeisi, who is running in the May 19 presidential election, hit back after another contender, incumbent President Hassan Rouhani, filed a complaint with the Election Campaign Monitoring Committee about allegations leveled against him in the recent televised debate. Rouhani’s complaint on Saturday concerns Raeisi’s claim that the Education Ministry’s reserve fund has been plundered during the term of the current administration, Press TV reported. He made the claim on Friday during the second live televised debate among the six candidates contesting the presidential poll. In response, Raeisi said Rouhani filed the complaint against him because he had defended the rights of the Education Ministry’s staff. Raeisi said he has evidence proving the issue and pledged that he would not stop defending the rights of the people. The principlist candidate stressed that he is proud of defending the rights of teachers. Raeisi’s camp said in a statement on Saturday that it had published details of the alleged violations in the reserve fund.

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