Presidential contender Ebrahim Raeisi said the Iranian people are tired of hearing empty promises from government officials and are desperate for serious action to boost employment. Campaigning in the eastern city of Birjand, which Raeisi represents in the Assembly of Experts, the former prosecutor general told a gathering of his supporters on Tuesday that he believes there is potential for better management, particularly for boosting domestic production. Raeisi vowed that if elected to office, he would prepare a report on "structures that perpetuate corruption" within six months and would do his utmost to ensure the nation is never again shocked by news of massive corruption cases, Fars News Agency reported. The Principlist candidate is considered a main challenger to incumbent Hassan Rouhani's reelection bid, alongside Tehran Mayor Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf. Both principlist hopefuls are members of the Popular Front of Islamic Revolution Forces, which has announced only one of the two will remain on the scene on Election Day, May 19.