Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission will convene soon to discuss how to respond to new US sanctions over the recent test-firing of a medium-range ballistic missile, a lawmaker said.
The new wave of sanctions, announced in a White House statement on Friday, targeted 13 individuals and 12 entities for allegedly helping Iran develop its missile program.
"In the commission's meeting, all related authorities will be invited to submit detailed reports on different aspects [of the sanctions]. The reports will allow us to study the sanctions and adopt appropriate measures," Kamal Dehqani also said in a talk with ICANA on Monday.
The new missile-related sanctions have drawn criticism from Iranian officials who have consistently said Iran's ballistic missile tests are not a violation of the 2015 nuclear deal with major powers and a subsequent UN Security Council resolution to endorse it.
Tehran says it has not carried out any work on missiles specifically designed to carry nuclear payloads, as called for in Resolution 2231.
The nuclear pact eased international sanctions in return for time-bound constraints on Tehran's nuclear program.
It is only weeks since hawkish US President Donald Trump took an oath of office and he has already taken a hard line on the US arch adversary Iran.
Friday's additions to the sanctions list came only days after Trump's executive order temporarily denied entry into the United States to Iranians, as well as nationals from six other Muslim-majority countries.
A restraining order issued by US federal Judge James Robart in Seattle has put a halt to the travel ban, though.
Trump has called the ruling "ridiculous" and the US Justice Department has promised to quash the court order.