Iran's envoy to the United Nations criticized the world body's report on the 2015 nuclear deal for failure to duly reflect the Islamic Republic's full adherence to the historic nuclear agreement.
"While we thank the secretary-general for his realistic assessment of the value of the deal and its positive impact on our region and beyond, we invite the secretariat to do its own positive share by taking a more constructive approach in fulfilling its reporting and monitoring functions," Gholamali Khoshrou said.
"In our view, our full compliance with the terms of the deal and some non-performance by certain JCPOA participants should be duly reflected in the reports by the secretariat on the implementation of the deal."
JCPOA stands for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the formal title of the nuclear pact reached by Iran with the six world powers, namely the US, Britain, France, China and Russia plus Germany. The deal went into force six months later in January to give Iran sanctions relief in return for time-bound curbs on its nuclear program.
Khoshrou made the complaint in a letter to the UN General Assembly on Wednesday, responding to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's 19-page report released this week. The UN nuclear agency has been tasked with monitoring the two sides' commitments.
Concern Over Proliferation
Khoshrou warned of the global danger of nuclear proliferation, blaming the countries in possession of atomic arms for not committing themselves to international efforts against the spread of such weapons.
"Achieving the objective of nuclear disarmament is the highest priority… [but] as a result of persistent non-compliance by nuclear-weapon states with their obligations, there is no progress toward this objective," he said.
"We are deeply concerned about this dangerous situation and its consequences for the international peace and security. There are thousands of nuclear weapons that threaten to annihilate humanity by accident or miscalculation or by madness. The only absolute guarantee against the use of nuclear weapons is their total elimination."
Khoshrou dismissed references in the report about the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic as reflecting a subjective judgment, according to Iranian news agencies.
"On the issue of human rights, we note the efforts by the secretary-general and the organization to further advance human rights and fundamental freedoms. However, the secretariat should avoid trying to devise principles or set priorities and agenda, which are not agreed upon by member states."