
Ousted Yemen Gov’t Plans Anti-Iran Complaint

Ousted Yemen Gov’t Plans Anti-Iran Complaint
Ousted Yemen Gov’t Plans Anti-Iran Complaint

The ousted Yemeni president plans to complain to the UN Security Council over what it claims are Iran’s weapon transfers to Houthi fighters, the foreign minister of fugitive president Abd-Rabbuh Mansur Hadi said on Saturday.

Hadi’s government-in-exile and Saudi Arabia—which intervened in the country in March 2015 to prevent the Houthis and forces loyal to the former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, from taking over—blame  Iran for supplying weapons to the Houthis.

Tehran views the Houthis as a legitimate player in Yemen’s politics, but denies allegations it supplies them with weapons.

“There are new weapons coming from Iran,” Abdel-Malek al-Mekhlafi alleged in New York where he was attending the annual UN gathering of world leaders.  “It is impossible to hide that weapons-smuggling is still taking place from Iran. Some of these weapons have been found on the Saudi-Yemeni border and they are Iranian weapons.”

Mekhlafi said he was in the process of filing a complaint to the UN Security Council with the alleged documents and pictures.