
Tehran a Reliable Partner for Moscow

Tehran a Reliable Partner for Moscow
Tehran a Reliable Partner for Moscow

A senior Russian parliamentarian has said Moscow regards Iran as a reliable partner.     

Chairman of Russia's State Duma Sergey Naryshkin made the remarks in a joint press conference with Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani in Tehran on Monday.       

Naryshkin said his visit is meant to help develop political and parliamentary relations between the two countries, adding, "Russia views Iran as a reliable partner for cooperation," ICANA reported.

He described Iran as a "key" and "influential" state which can help ensure stability in the region and said the two countries have adopted similar positions on many international issues.  

In response to a question on Iran-Russia cooperation after the imposition of western sanctions on the country, he said, "(Bilateral) economic relations are growing, (a fact) which is very effective," adding, "Fortunately, (cooperation) in areas, such as oil, gas, nuclear energy and agriculture are expanding, which is to our benefit."   

Larijani, for his part, said the situation in Iraq and Syria and various ways to deal with terrorists were discussed in his meeting with the Russian official, which was held before the press conference.

  Unreasonable Demands

In their meeting, the two officials discussed bilateral relations and international developments.

The Majlis speaker touched on the nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany) and said, "Iran's nuclear negotiations are going on, but some unreasonable demands by the US and other western countries constitute an impediment in the way of the negotiations," ISNA reported.                             

Touching on the cordial relations between the two states, he said, “There have been lasting and friendly relations between the two friendly and neighborly countries of Iran and Russia, which should be boosted more than before.”

He referred to the critical role the two parliaments can play to help promote bilateral cooperation in various areas, such as politics, economy, business and industries, adding, “The visit of the Russian Duma speaker is a great step toward enhancing bilateral ties in various fields.”

On the ongoing security crises in the region, he said, “Some regional and some non-regional states have played a pivotal role in creation of terrorist groups.”

The Russian official, for his part, expressed content over his visit and called Iran a friendly neighbor of Russia, adding, “My visit to Iran in this critical period of time shows the two countries’ resolve for further expansion of mutual cooperation.”

Referring to Iran’s nuclear program, Naryshkin said, “Russia has always stated that Iran has the right to access nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and its nuclear issue should be solved fairly.”       

The Russian parliament speaker officially invited his Iranian counterpart for a visit to Moscow.