Iran voiced regret over the election of Israel to chair the United Nations’ legal committee, as one of the world body’s six permanent committees, stressing that the move will impair the UN’s credibility.
“The Zionist regime is the symbol of violation of international law and bypassing the laws and its election as the head of the legal committee is regrettable,” Iran’s representative at the UN meeting said on Monday, according to Fars News Agency.
He referred to long list of violations of the UN Charter, principles, international law, Palestinian rights and the UN resolutions by the occupying power and its shocking defiance of the international community’s demands. “Under these circumstances, this election is indeed a mockery of the UN Charter and the premise on which the UN was founded,” Gholamali Khoshroo said.
While it is a largely symbolic and procedural role, chairing the committee gives Israel the opportunity to have a higher profile in routine affairs at the UN.
The so-called Legal Committee, or Sixth Committee, oversees issues related to international law.