
Tehran Seeks Finnish Technical Expertise

Tehran Seeks Finnish Technical Expertise
Tehran Seeks Finnish Technical Expertise

Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani highlighted the favorable grounds for investment in Iran’s energy and agriculture sectors, calling for cooperative plans to use Finland’s technical expertise.

In a meeting with Chairman of the Finnish Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee Antti Kaikkonen in Tehran on Monday, Larijani referred to Iran as an energy-rich country with huge potentials for investment, pointing to the growing enthusiasm in Europe for signing contracts with Iran, Tasnim News Agency reported.

“One of Iran’s priorities is the employment of technology and experts in agriculture and water management,” he added, urging cooperation with Finland in these fields.

Kaikkonen voiced Finland’s willingness to expand political and economic ties with Iran.

He hailed Iran as “the only stable country in the region”, hoping for closer interaction with Tehran given the EU’s concern about extremism in the Middle East and its spread to Europe.

The Finnish lawmaker also met Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Sunday to discuss ways of promoting mutual cooperation between Tehran and Helsinki.