
Rouhani: JCPOA to Help Boost Russia Ties

Rouhani: JCPOA to Help Boost Russia Ties
Rouhani: JCPOA to Help Boost Russia Ties

President Hassan Rouhani said "post-JCPOA environment" is a good opportunity for promoting bilateral relations in line with mutual interests, in addition to strengthening peace and stability in the Middle East and the World.

In a joint press conference held after his meeting with Russian counterpart President Vladimir Putin late on Monday, Rouhani stressed the need for consolidation of Tehran-Moscow ties, IRNA reported.

"In recent months, significant steps have been taken to further develop bilateral relations and cooperation on international issues, which should be continued," Rouhani said.

Referring to the longstanding nuclear cooperation on Iran's nuclear program, he said the two said are determined to expand such efforts.

Rouhani noted the "peril of terrorism in the region and the world", saying the two sides have discussed the efforts to fight the scourge and are willing to step up counter-terrorism campaign.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran is serious about fighting terrorism and Russia, especially in recent months, has taken effective measures in the region against terrorists," he said.

Rouhani noted that unlike those who talk about fighting terrorism but stage shows [referring to US-led coalition airstrikes against the Islamic State militant group, which were useless], Iran and Russia have proved their determination in the fight against terrorism.

Putin said the seven agreements and MoUs, signed by the Iranian and Russian officials before the press conference, will help deepen ties.

On the nuclear cooperation, the Russian president said the first unit of the Bushehr nuclear plant has been completed and Russia wants to cooperate on building the second and third units.

The two sides are developing a roadmap for the conversion of the enriched uranium and they will also work to produce "stable isotopes".

"Coordination between the two countries in the fight against terrorism will continue and cooperation on the international scene will be strengthened," Putin said.

 Other Meetings

Also on Monday, Rouhani met Bolivian President Evo Morales in which he said Iran is ready to transfer experiences in technical, engineering and agricultural spheres to Bolivia.

"Iran and Bolivia have the political will for expanding relations in economic, scientific, commercial, cultural, energy, health and investment fields," Rouhani said.

Morales pointed to projects implemented by Iranian engineers in Bolivia, asking for enhancement of technological cooperation between the two sides.

In a separate meeting with Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari, Rouhani said there are numerous opportunities for expanding cooperation, which should be used to promote mutual interests.

Describing terrorism as a "contagious disease" that threatens "the whole world", the Iranian president said Iran is ready to share its extensive experiences of fighting terrorism with Nigeria.

Buhari underlined Iran's role in maintaining global security, stressing that the world has become aware that terrorism knows no boundaries and should be confronted seriously.

Rouhani also met with Algerian Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal in which he said the two countries' private sectors should boost the level of economic relations.

The meetings were held on the sidelines of the Third Summit of Gas Exporting Countries Forum held in Tehran in the presence of the presidents of Russia, Iraq, Bolivia, Venezuela, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria and Turkmenistan, as well as the prime minister of Algeria.