
JCPOA Indicates Iran’s Positive Regional Role

JCPOA Indicates Iran’s Positive Regional Role
JCPOA Indicates Iran’s Positive Regional Role

A lawmaker said the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action—the nuclear deal reached between Iran and major world powers in July—has prompted even opponents to acknowledge Iran’s leading role in stabilizing the Middle East.

“The invitation of Iran to attend the Syria peace talks, the international negotiations held in Vienna last Friday, means that enemies have finally admitted that Iran plays a crucial role in the region,” Rapporteur of Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Nozar Shafiei said in an interview with ICANA.

The lawmaker said without the deal, the atmosphere of hostility between Iran and the West may have prevented the participation of Iran in the talks, leading to more failure to make peace in the region.

Shafiei noted that the negative reaction of Iran’s enemies to the deal is rooted in the effects of the deal, because it leads to recognizing Iran’s regional power, in addition to improving its national security.

“The deal has demonstrated that on the international scene, friendships and hostilities are not permanent and may change their places occasionally,” he said.

“JCPOA has the potential to change equations in the region soon.”