Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli said the next Majlis and Assembly of Experts elections should manifest Iran's national sovereignty.
"Voter turnout should be at a high level, so enemies understand that they can't mess with our people," IRNA quoted Fazli as saying on Thursday.
Fazli said that in order to witness an outstanding election, all political parties should introduce their candidates, express their opinions in line with sanctities and within the legal framework.
The next Majlis and Assembly of Experts elections are simultaneously scheduled for February 26, 2016.
On the government's efforts to promote Resistance Economy, by implementing policies to reduce oil dependence and promote economic self-reliance, the minister said President Hassan Rouhani has presented a special plan in this regard to the Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.
"Under the supervision of the Leader, with the help of public participation and the use of domestic resources, the government is pursuing a massive economic transformation," he said.
Commenting on the latest regional developments, he said the situation shows that the enemies are seeking to harm Iran.
On the reason why Iran should help regional countries like Syria and Iraq in their fight against terrorism, Fazli said the security of Iran is intertwined with those of Syria and Iraq, "besides, it is a religious duty of Iran to help other Muslims who are in need".