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PMD Closure Key to Deal Implementation

In a letter to President Hassan Rouhani, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed that Iran's action to comply with agreed measures under the July 14 nuclear deal hinges on the conclusion of the UN nuclear agency's consideration of Tehran's nuclear past.

Iran is required to complete certain measures under the July nuclear deal with major powers so it can get relief from international sanctions in return for temporary constraints on its nuclear work.

Removal of sanctions is subject to approval by the International Atomic Energy Agency that Tehran has met all its commitments.

Iran and the IAEA signed a roadmap agreement aimed at addressing outstanding issues regarding what the agency calls Possible Military Dimensions of Tehran's nuclear program and closing the case by mid-Dec.  

Tehran denies the allegation that its program may have been aimed at developing a nuclear bomb, insisting that the work is exclusively for civilian purposes.

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said in the letter, "The nine articles contained in the Parliament's bill on the nuclear accord and considerations of the Supreme National Security Council are useful and effective."

He raised some additional points to be considered by the government while implementing the pact, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

Among the measures Iran has agreed to implement are cutting its stockpile of low enriched uranium by either trading it for or converting it to raw uranium and modernize the Arak heavy water reactor.

The Leader said Iran will not go ahead with measures to redesign the Arak reactor and swap enriched uranium for natural uranium until the IAEA announces the closure of Iran's PMD case.

Any fresh sanctions imposed "at any level and under any excuse" by the other side to the JCPOA over the eight-year period after its endorsement by the UN Security Council on July 20 would be regarded as a breach of the action plan, in which case the government would be bound to cease following its commitments, the letter said.

***Plan for Nuclear Development

A mid-term 15-year plan must be devised for the development of the nuclear industry to increase the uranium enrichment capacity to 190,000 SWU (separative work units) and the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran must carry out the nuclear research and development program in such a way to ensure the required technology will be available for this purpose, the Leader said.

According to the letter carried by IRNA, a committee must be established under the authority of the Supreme National Security Council tasked with monitoring the progress of the action plan and the other side's compliance with its undertakings.