
Military Approach to Yemen a Miscalculation

Military Approach to Yemen a Miscalculation
Military Approach to Yemen a Miscalculation

A Foreign Ministry official says insistence on a military approach to address the Yemen conflict is a "miscalculation" which is disrupting the process of establishing dialogue between Yemeni groups under the auspices of the United Nations.

Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian made the remarks in a phone conversation with UN special envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed on Saturday, Fars News Agency reported.    

Acknowledging efforts by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and his envoy, Amir Abdollahian said, "The failure of the United Nations to prevent a humanitarian crisis in Yemen will undermine its credibility in defending human rights."

"The Islamic Republic expects the UN to use its full potential to stop the bloodshed in Yemen just ahead of Eid al-Adha."

He urged immediate humanitarian aid to the war-affected Yemeni people.

Cheikh Ahmed pointed to the latest efforts to get Yemeni groups to engage in peace talks in Muscat, adding, "The Yemeni conflict has no military solution."    

"All external and internal sides should encourage direct talks between Yemeni groups to help achieve a ceasefire soon."

Recognizing the realities and considering the interests of the people by Yemeni factions are the necessary conditions for restoring stability to the Arabian Peninsula country, he stressed.

***Diversionary Remarks  

In response to recent remarks by a US official about Iran's alleged "destabilizing" activities in the region, Amir Abdollahian told reporters Tehran has proved that its activities in the Middle East are based on the most constructive intentions.


Mark Toner, deputy spokesperson for the US State Department, said on Friday Secretary of State John Kerry and Abdullah Bin Zayed, foreign minister of the United Arab Emirates, had agreed in a recent meeting on the need to continue working together to deal with Iran's "destabilizing" role in the region.

The senior diplomat dismissed the remarks as "interfering" and "diversionary", calling on "Emirati friends" not to replace a "brotherly approach" with "groundless accusations."  

"Instead of sending weapons and backing the military approach, the UAE should send medicine and food for the oppressed Yemenis and contribute to political efforts."  

Amir Abdollahian added that by using the opportunities arisen from the Iran nuclear deal with major powers, Abu Dhabi can help promote its wide-ranging economic and business cooperation with Tehran.