
Majlis Set to Debate JCPOA

Majlis Set to Debate JCPOA
Majlis Set to Debate JCPOA

The July 14 nuclear deal with major powers which is under review by a Majlis special commission will go before the whole Parliament for debate in the coming days, said Alaeddin Boroujerdi, who sits on the commission.   

"Members of the commission plan to hold as many [review] sessions on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action [official title of the accord] as required to prepare to present it to the Majlis by next week," Boroujerdi told ICANA on Saturday.

The JCPOA, agreed between Iran and the P5+1 (the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia and China), will place constraints on Tehran's nuclear program for specified durations in return for lifting international sanctions.

In conformity with the action plan, the United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution days after the conclusion of the pact to endorse it and terminate all its previous resolutions against Iran.  

A bill passed in June requires the deal to come under examination by the Majlis and the Supreme National Security Council before going into force 90 days after the adoption of the July 20 UNSC resolution.

The 60 day period for the US Congress to consider the JCPOA and vote on a disapproval resolution ended on Thursday and Republicans' attempt in the senate to block the accord failed for the third time.

By a 56-42 vote, the senate fell short of the 60 votes needed to advance the resolution in the 100-member chamber.

The result ensured Congress will not pass the resolution of disapproval, which would have crippled the deal by eliminating US President Barack Obama's ability to waive many sanctions.

Members of Iran's nuclear negotiating team and some other officials have warned of the passage of the JCPOA by Parliament, arguing that doing so will make the deal binding as a law. However, they have backed the scrutiny of the agreement by lawmakers.  

Boroujerdi said, "Naturally, if it is decided to pass the JCPOA as a law, the establishment's red lines will constitute a major component of the law."