
‘Full of Holes’

US Senator Pat Toomey criticized the Iran nuclear deal on Saturday claiming there are loopholes in the agreement.  Toomey pointed to an up-to-24-day delay on inspections on any undeclared nuclear sites as an example that the deal is “full of holes.”  

“It is nothing like the ‘anywhere, anytime’ inspections we were told were being negotiated,” he said in the weekly Republican address, the Hill reported. The Pennsylvania senator, like virtually all of his Republican colleagues, is expected to vote against the deal once the US Congress returns to Washington this week after the August recess.  

US lawmakers have until Sept. 17 to pass legislation on the accord, and until early October to try to override a potential veto from President Barack Obama.  Republicans have also criticized the Obama administration for not including non-nuclear issues in the agreement, including Iran’s support for resistance groups in the region.  Toomey said there are “other serious problems with the deal that go beyond Iran’s nuclear program.”

The Obama administration has argued that those issues are separate from the negotiations on Tehran’s nuclear work.