
Leader Outlines Muslim Priorities

Leader Outlines Muslim Priorities
Leader Outlines Muslim Priorities

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has said promotion of unity among Muslims, the Palestinian issue, and the campaign against "American Islam" are the main priorities of the Muslim world.  

Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in a message to hajj pilgrims on Thursday.

Following are excerpts of the Leader's hajj message taken from the website of the Leader's office.

On this valuable occasion… attention should be paid to the issues of the world of Islam as a central duty and rituals of the hajj participants.

Today in particular, unity among Muslims and untying the knots of separation among some parts of the Islamic Ummah is a priority and important matter.

The filthy hands of imperialist politics have, for some time now, placed division on the agenda in order to fulfill their sinister interests, and today with the blessing of Islamic Awakening, Muslim peoples have correctly recognized the enmity of the imperialist and Zionist front and they have taken a stance against them while the policies of division between Muslims have intensified.

The scheming enemy is aiming to stoke the fire of a domestic war among the Muslims, to misdirect the motivation for resistance and jihad and to secure the Zionist regime and the servants of arrogance- who are the real enemies.         

Instigating terrorist-takfiri and similar groups in the countries of the region of West Asia is among these abhorrent policies. This is a warning to all of us to count the issue of unity among Muslims as the priority of our national and international duties.

The other important issue is the issue of Palestine. With the passing of 65 years since the establishment of this murderous Zionist regime and the various ups and downs in this important and sensitive issue, and particularly with the bloody events of the past year, two realities have become clear for all.

The first reality is that the Zionist regime and its criminal supporters recognize no limit or boundaries regarding viciousness, cruelty and trampling underfoot all human and ethical standards.

The second reality is that this disaster and calamity has not led to the results that the leaders and supporters of that murderous regime wanted.

Contrary to the idiotic dreams of power and stability for this regime that the filthy officials of the Zionist regime dream, day-by-day this regime has moved closer to implosion and annihilation.

The third priority and important matter is the wise view that activists who wish well for the world of Islam have to take, regarding the difference between pure “Mohammadean Islam” and “American Islam”. They have to caution themselves and others from confusing these two with each other.

Pure Islam is the Islam of tolerance and spirituality, the Islam of piety and democracy, the Islam of being “forceful against the unbelievers, merciful towards the believers”.

American Islam is putting the clothes of Islam on servitude to foreigners and enmity with the Islamic Ummah, the Islam that stokes the fire of division among Muslims, instead of trust in divine promises, it trusts in the enemies of God, instead of fighting with the Zionists and arrogance it fights with its Muslim brothers, it unites with arrogant America against its own people or other peoples. It is not Islam, it is a dangerous and deadly hypocrisy which every sincere Muslim has to fight against.