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Lawmakers Back Lausanne Statement

The joint statement by Iran and the major powers on the outline of a nuclear deal was beyond a win-win deal, a member of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee told ICANA on Friday.

The statement was the product of long working days in Vienna, Geneva, and Lausanne, Avaz Heydarpour said, noting it incorporates solutions for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (the official of the final nuclear pact), which were earlier considered and agreed by the negotiating parties.    

He also said the statement was the result of Iranian negotiators' efforts to reach a deal with the six major powers known as the P5+1 (the United States, Britain, China, France and Russia plus Germany), which brought about positive results.  

"Firstly, it fully respects Iran's right to continue its peaceful nuclear activities."  

Also, Iran did not give any advantage to the West in the course of negotiations, he commented, asserting that it also turned out that "sanctions did not affect people's lives."

As another advantage, concluding an agreement in Lausanne led to the fact that Iran has been recognized as a power in and beyond the region "upon acting logically," he said.  

"Iran proved influential in the region as well as in the world," he said, adding that the agreement will bring peace back to the region.

The lawmaker went on to say that the statement also was in line with the guidelines of Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei. "My perception is that the Leader's request from the negotiating team to reach an agreement at once was fully met by the accord, as it covers all the issues regarding Iran's nuclear activities."

  New Stage

The 1979 Islamic Revolution has entered a new phase of its life by the Lausanne agreement, IRNA quoted lawmaker Ali Motahari as saying on Saturday.

Assessing the statement as being in the interests of the nation and the revolution, he hoped that finalizing a deal in this respect will bring about economic prosperity to the country. "The agreement will presumably create a new status for the Islamic Republic in the world."  

The accord will lead to economic and political progress, he said. However, he noted that certain points in the agreement, including signing the Additional Protocol, need parliament's review and approval.  

Praising the efforts by the negotiating team for securing positive results, which were reflected in the Lausanne agreement, he described the achievement as "acceptable."

In reference to the internal criticisms and attacks against the negotiating team, Motahari said the opponents need to bear in mind that no final agreement has been concluded yet, saying that the Lausanne statement is only a framework for an agreement.

"No agreement has been reached over the details of nuclear activities," he said, explaining that the statement only acts as the foundation for a final accord.  

Motahari said the statement needs to be open to review and criticism; however, he called for avoiding "unfair and politically motivated criticisms."