
China Scores Diplomatic Victory as Iran-Saudi Reconciliation Advances

China Scores Diplomatic Victory as Iran-Saudi Reconciliation Advances
China Scores Diplomatic Victory as Iran-Saudi Reconciliation Advances

Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed Thursday to reopen diplomatic missions in their respective capitals and in additional cities. 
ISNA reported the foreign ministers had reached the agreement in Beijing. The deal also calls for the countries to study the prospects of resuming flights between the two nations and facilitating the visa process for the citizens of both countries. 
Saudi Arabia and Iran are long-time regional rivals but have moved toward reconciliation as part of a deal brokered by China last month. The agreement represents a new step toward reconciliation after seven years of tension and lowers the chance of conflict between the Mideast heavyweights—both directly and in proxy conflicts around the region, CBS News wrote in an article.
The deal brokered by Beijing also represents a major diplomatic victory for the Chinese as Persian Gulf Arab states perceive the United States slowly withdrawing from the wider Middle East. China scored the victory amid increasingly fraught relations with the US over the status of Taiwan.
The island’s leader met Wednesday in California with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and other US lawmakers. China claims Taiwan as its own territory, to be reunited with the mainland by force if necessary, and had vowed “resolute countermeasures” over the meeting in California. 
The advancing diplomacy in Beijing came amid ongoing efforts by diplomats to end a years-long war in Yemen, a conflict in which both Iran and Saudi Arabia are entrenched.
On Thursday morning, Saudi Arabia’s state-run Al-Ekhbariya TV showed Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud and his Iranian counterpart, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian shaking hands and sitting side by side. Iran’s state TV said the two ministers met to discuss the details of reopening embassies.
It was the first formal meeting of senior diplomats from the two nations since 2016, when the kingdom broke ties with Iran after protesters stormed Saudi diplomatic posts there. Saudi Arabia had executed a prominent Shia cleric, along with 46 others, days earlier, triggering the demonstrations.

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