
Leader Reaffirms Tehran’s Support for Palestinian Nation

Leader Reaffirms Tehran’s Support for Palestinian Nation
Leader Reaffirms Tehran’s Support for Palestinian Nation

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei reiterated Iran’s clear and public stance in support of the oppressed people of Palestine, saying the Islamic Republic would continue such backing. 
“The Islamic government would not be considerate of anyone and will openly support and defend the Palestinian nation and continue to help them in any way it can,” he said on Saturday, reported. 
The Leader made the remarks in a meeting with Iranian authorities, ambassadors of Islamic countries and attendants of international Quran competitions on the occasion of the Eid al-Mab’ath, which marks the anniversary of the appointment of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to prophethood.
He added that the issue of Palestine’s occupation by Israel is one of the important weaknesses and wounds of the Islamic Ummah. 
“A nation, a country is being endlessly oppressed by a ferocious and wicked regime day by day before the watching eyes of the Muslim world,” he said. 
He regretted that Islamic countries with so much wealth and capability are only watching, with some of them even going along with this bloodthirsty regime recently. 
Besides Egypt and Jordan who signed peace treaties with Israel in 1979 and 1994 respectively, Sudan, Bahrain, Morocco and the United Arab Emirates also normalized ties with the Zionist regime in 2020. 
Ayatollah Khamenei said these countries have grown weaker as a result of their silence toward the crimes of this regime and their accordance with it.
“It has come to a point that the United States, France and some other countries, with claims of addressing Muslim’s problems, assert the right to interfere in the Muslim world’s affairs, while they are desperate and incapable of resolving their own countries’ issues,” he said. 
If Islamic governments had stood up to this occupying regime firmly, the situation in West Asia would have been different today and the Islamic Ummah would have been more united and stronger from different aspects, he stressed. 
The Leader also noted that the Islamic Republic’s explicit and uncompromising support of Palestine is the main reason behind efforts to promote anti-Iran sentiments or Iranophobia. 
“Unfortunately, certain states that have a duty to help the Palestinian nation themselves, follow the Iranophobia projects of the enemies of Islam,” he said. 
Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized the importance of political issues, such as Palestine and the US interference, saying they should always be given due attention by the Islamic Ummah. 



Treasure Trove 

Elsewhere in his address, Ayatollah Khamenei described Bi’tha (selection of the prophet by God for the guidance of people) as a treasure trove, lack of understanding of which has resulted in division, backwardness and other flaws in the Muslim society. 
The greatest treasure of Bi’tha is monotheism and freedom from servitude of anything other than God, according to the Leader, since all wars, crimes and malice in history have stemmed from subjection to other entities.  
Compliance with divine guidelines in all aspects of personal and social life, managing the human life with wisdom and rationality, perseverance to achieve any purpose, and strength and impenetrability against enemies were among other blessings of Bi’tha that the Leader pointed out. 
Ayatollah Khamenei said all problems of the Islamic Ummah can be resolved by returning to the teachings of Bi’tha, as well as unity and solidarity among all Muslim nations and cooperation among Islamic governments in a real, and not superficial, way. 
The greatest of human civilizations were created in the third and fourth centuries AH as a result of reasonable implementation of Quran’s instructions, he said. 
“Today, too, if the unique potential of Bi’tha and Quran are exploited, the weaknesses of the Muslim world will be addressed and the ground will be prepared for progress and felicity.” 

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