
Negotiation With Enemy Not Tantamount to Surrender

The Islamic Revolution has not surrendered to the enemy until this day and will not do so in the future, the Leader said
Negotiation With Enemy Not Tantamount to Surrender
Negotiation With Enemy Not Tantamount to Surrender

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said refusing to capitulate to arrogant and bullying powers is among the key principles of the Islamic Revolution, stressing that negotiation and interaction with the enemy at some point is not tantamount to surrender.
“We have not surrendered until now and will not in the future either,” he said in an online address to the people of the holy city of Qom on Sunday, reported.   
Iran entered negotiations with the six world powers, including its arch-foe the United States, which led to the landmark nuclear agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, in 2015. 
In that, it won relief from international sanctions in return for curbs on its nuclear program, although the deal went out of shape three years later when the US quit it and reimposed sweeping sanctions on Tehran. 
To uphold the rights of the Iranian nation, Iran once again engaged in indirect negotiations with the US to restore the JCPOA, after a new administration in Washington admitted to the failure of maximum pressure policy.  
The talks have been going on since April in the Austrian capital Vienna between Iran and the five remaining party who carry out shuttle diplomacy with the US. 
The Leader later pointed to “religious governance”, “independence” and “fight against corruption and injustice” as other basic principles of the Islamic Revolution, calling for efforts to prevent them from withering away as a result of the enemies’ soft war. 
“The impression that the principles of the revolution are not beneficial for the people and the future is untrue and absolute unfairness,” he said, adding that adherence to these concepts is the main instrument for the country’s development.



National Duty 

Ayatollah Khamenei said 43 years after the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the establishment of a religious democracy, it is the duty of the nation to take lessons from the past, identify present responsibilities and set future targets and aim for them with strong steps.
He offered some advice to the people and authorities to maintain the revolution’s forward progress, including preservation of the nation’s “religious passion” which he described as a rescuer of the country in various occasions and a means to turn threats into opportunities. 
The Leader also invited everyone to protect “national unity and integrity” despite differences of opinion and religious sects to avoid division. 
He stressed the importance of boosting hope in the future, noting that a hopeful young person will work and try harder. 
“The authorities must fill the hearts of the youth with hope,” he said. 
In spite of economic and livelihood problems, the Islamic Republic has had great achievements in various sectors which must be imparted to the people and those who only focus on shortcomings, he added. 
Applauding the incumbent government’s popular approach, he called on the administration to make good on its promises in due time and explain to the public clearly and honestly if it is not possible for any reason.
The government must also create a mechanism to use the views and suggestions of experts and people and encourage public participation in administrative affairs, according to Ayatollah Khamenei. 
He advised statesmen to use public capacities to oversee issues such as corruption. 

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