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Tehran Resolved to Advance Peaceful Nuclear Activities

Eslami said JCPOA was signed in a show of goodwill to remove obstacles to the country’s nuclear progress

Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran stressed that the Islamic Republic is determined to pursue its completely peaceful nuclear program. 

“Nothing can bring to stop Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities which are undertaken within the framework of international regulations,” Mohammad Eslami said on Monday, in his address to the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, the AEOI’s official website reported.  

Highlighting the growing and inevitable need for alternative sources of energy, he noted that the agency has a duty to assist member states without discrimination to develop the use of peaceful nuclear energy through dissemination of knowledge and transfer of technology.  

The 2015 nuclear deal was an instance of Iran’s goodwill in this regard and was meant to remove obstacles to the country’s progress, according to Eslami, but the United States refused to implement it with total disregard. 

Washington unilaterally exited the agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, in 2018, and reimposed sweeping sanctions as part of a maximum pressure campaign on Tehran to force its leaders to agree to new terms under a more comprehensive agreement. Iran later reacted by gradually rowing back on its JCPOA commitments. 

“The maximum pressure policy has ended in failure and the US government has no choice but to quit its addiction to unilateral sanctions and respect international law,” Eslami said. 

He explained that Iran’s restriction of IAEA monitoring and inspection came after two and half years of expanding US economic sanctions and continued European inaction. 

The Iranian parliament passed a law last December, urging the government to stop any IAEA activity beyond the terms of the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement within two months in case of western countries’ continued non-compliance with JCPOA.

“It is time for the US to rectify the wrong policies and remove all sanctions in a practical, effective and verifiable manner,” the AEOI head said.  

Talks are currently underway in Vienna to revive the JCPOA, but the process has been halted since June, following the presidential elections in Iran which brought a more conservative government to power. 

Eslami reiterated that the new administration demands result-oriented negotiations with the goal of lifting the unjust sanctions imposed on the Iranian nation.  



Avoiding Politicization 

The nuclear chief said Iran has always cooperated with the IAEA, but it is also essential that the IAEA avoid politicization and maintain its independence, impartiality and professionalism.

He expressed regret about the United Nations and IAEA’s inaction regarding terrorist attacks on peaceful nuclear facilities while such acts are against international law. 

“It is absolutely essential that the agency consider this matter so as to protect both nuclear facilities against such acts or threats and its credibility,” he said. 

Eslami stressed that the Islamic Republic demands the full implementation of article six of the Non-Proliferation Treaty on nuclear disarmament. 

“We deeply regret that nuclear weapon states are resolved to keep their arsenals and delivery systems and some of them seriously pursue their updates,” he said. 

Iran also voices grave concern about Israel’s covert military nuclear program, according to Eslami. 

“This regime has not yet brought its nuclear activities and facilities under the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement, continues its terrorist measures against peaceful nuclear facilities, assassinates nuclear scientists and hence, puts regional security and stability as well as the NPT and IAEA’s integrity and credibility at risk,” he said.

Israel is not a party to the NPT and adopts a policy of deliberate ambiguity, refusing to confirm or deny a nuclear weapons program or arsenal.

Iran also blames the regime for being behind several acts of sabotage against Iranian nuclear facilities and assassination of nuclear scientists.