
Iran Denounces Aggression Against Diplomatic Centers in Iraq

Iran Denounces Aggression Against Diplomatic Centers in Iraq
Iran Denounces Aggression Against Diplomatic Centers in Iraq

Iran is strictly opposed to any act of aggression against diplomatic centers inside Iraq and has always denounced such provocations, Iran’s ambassador in Baghdad said. 
In an interview with the Rudaw news network, Iraj Masjedi said all diplomatic premises need to enjoy adequate security, whether it’s “the embassy of the United States or of any other country”.
He made the remarks in reference to the recent rocket attack inside Baghdad’s Green Zone, which landed near the US Embassy. 
Iran’s diplomatic premises, according to Masjedi, have been the target of more severe attacks, such as its consular offices in the cities of Najaf and Karbala. 
“For this reason, Iran takes a serious stance about assaults on embassies and diplomatic centers,” he was quoted as saying by ISNA. 
The ambassador also expressed Iran’s opposition to any aggression inside the Kurdistan region of Iraq, with which Tehran has close and friendly relations. 
Referring to the recent attack in the region’s capital Erbil, he said such moves are a “cause of concern”.
A rocket attack was carried out on a US-led coalition airbase in the Kurdish capital of Erbil in mid-February. 
“Iran condemns this attack … and is against any measure that would weaken the government of the Kurdistan region of Iraq and cause disturbance in Erbil or other areas of the region,” he said. 
He explained that Iran’s missile attack on a military base in Erbil in January 2020 targeted the Americans only and was in retaliation for the US assassination of General Qasem Soleimani on Iraqi soil. 
“Iran would never launch an attack against Erbil or any other part of the [Kurdistan] region.” 
Masjedi said Iran wants complete security in its neighborhood and never supports any group seeking to disturb Iraq’s security. He expressed Iran’s readiness to assist its neighbor along this line.  



No Need for Foreign Troops 

The Iranian diplomat also said Tehran is opposed to foreign military intervention in Iraq, stressing that the security of the country should be ensured by the forces of the central government in Baghdad and those of the Kurdistan region. 
“Foreign forces not only do not bring about security, but also cause more tensions and insecurity in Iraq and the region,” he said. 
Not only Iraq, but also the whole region needs to rely on its own capacities to protect its security, according to Masjedi. 
“Security of the region, whether in Iraq, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia or any other country in the region must be ensured by regional countries alone,” he said.
“Iran believes that there is no need for foreign forces, whether from the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), the US or any other state,” he added, stressing that there is opposition to the presence of American troops in the region and this has caused tensions. 

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