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New World Order Will Not Be Western-Oriented

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the international order has been experiencing a transition and will not be a Western-oriented anymore. 

“Throughout history, the old order has collapsed and been replaced with a new one after widespread bloodshed … The modern international order will not be totally Western anymore,” he said in a live Instagram conversation titled “the World in Transition” on Monday, IRNA reported.  

According to Zarif, the transition period kicked off around 30 years ago [after the Cold War] when “the bipolar regime which reigned in the world for several decades crumbled”.

Since then, efforts continue to shape the new world order and have become more intense with the outbreak of the coronavirus, he added. 

The United States wants to institutionalize its own version of world order by resorting to the use of force, which Zarif described as a “huge mistake”.

“The US is mistaken to think that the use of military power would lead to a lasting world order,” he said. 

The Iranian foreign minister said American leaders seek to create a security situation to dominate the world through military spending.

According to Zarif, military interference has turned into a “norm” in the US foreign policy while this “miscalculation” has only led to terrorism and extremism in the world. 

“The US adventurism has cost nothing but the lives of many Americans and the loss of $8 trillion from the country's treasury and resulted in the spread of extremism and terrorism in West Asia,” he said.  

“The reason is lack of understanding about the notion of transition, because this trend is not a Western phenomenon.” 

Zarif said Western political systems have undergone a revision over these years as a result of multiple global developments, including the formation of the Non-Aligned Movement and the victory of Iran’s Islamic Revolution. 

The Non-Aligned Movement is a forum of 120 developing world states that are not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc.

The Iranian revolution happened in 1979 when the US-supported Pahlavi dynasty was overthrown and replaced by the Islamic Republic. Washington was among the states that provided political and logistic support for Iraq when it invaded Iran in the 1980s and started a war that lasted for eight years. 

“Iran suffered many global aggressive moves [including the Iraq-imposed war] because it chose to move outside the accepted framework of western policies at that time,” Zarif said.