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E3 Urged to Honor JCPOA Commitments

The Iranian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the fifth anniversary of the 2015 nuclear deal, urging the three European parties to fulfill their commitments and fully implement the United Nations Security Council Resolution that endorsed the agreement.  

“[Iran] strongly urges the E3 [France, Germany and Britain] to adhere to their commitments and to preserve and fully implement the UN Security Council [Resolution 2231] instead of moving in the direction of the US maximum pressure policy,” the statement said, according to its text published on the ministry’s website.

The deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, was signed between Iran and six world powers, but the United States pulled out in 2018 and reimposed tough sanctions on Tehran.

The remaining signatories pledged to safeguard Iran’s interests, but the European parties have failed to address the country’s economic concerns and only made feeble efforts. 

Most recently, they have even taken measures more in line with US pressure policies. 

France, Germany and Britain submitted a draft resolution to the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Board of Governors, calling on Iran to allow access to two sites the agency suspected of nuclear activity in 2000s based on what Iran calls “inadmissible” intelligence provided by Israel. The resolution was adopted, despite the opposition of China and Russia. 

“Any attempt to exploit IAEA to put pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran is inconsistent with the letter and spirit of JCPOA, and undermines IAEA's credibility,” the statement said, adding that it also could negatively affect the current safeguards implementation. 

The statement said this important achievement of multilateral diplomacy is in jeopardy on its fifth anniversary and will be another victim of the US “unilateral and unlawful approach” unless the international community can ensure “the balanced implementation of all participants”.



Complicated Situation 

The US “significant non-performance” with regard to its obligations under UNSCR 2231 and the lack of will on the part of remaining participants to restore the lost balance to JCPOA have complicated the current situation surrounding JCPOA, according to the statement. 

“As a result of this US malign policy, Iran cannot benefit from the effects of JCPOA sanctions lifting.” 

JCPOA settled an “artificial crisis” over Iran’s peaceful nuclear program, according to the statement. 

The ministry said Iran implemented the outcome of negotiations in good faith and took “voluntary confidence-building measures”, beyond the obligations under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty’s Safeguards Agreement, to reassure the international community of the exclusively peaceful nature of its nuclear program. 

In return, it expected to enjoy the lifting of “inhuman sanctions” imposed under the pretext of the nuclear program as one of the main pillars of the accord, the statement pointed out. 

Not only did Iran not enjoy the economic benefits of the sanctions lifting, but once again the opponents of JCPOA are making efforts to fully destroy its achievements by making unsubstantiated allegations on past safeguards issues that were supposed to have been closed once and for all under JCPOA, it added.



American Conspiracies 

Iran also expressed grave concern over JCPOA parties’ “companionship with US conspiracies” against the agreement, particularly in preventing the lifting of arms restrictions in the fifth year of JCPOA’s adoption.

The UN arms embargo is set to expire in October, but the US is campaigning to indefinitely extend it.

China and Russia have vehemently opposed the move, but the European countries have voiced concern, saying the removal of restrictions has "major implications for regional security and stability" that need to be addressed in coordination with Moscow and Beijing. 

“Renegotiation of the provisions of JCPOA and amendment of the sanctions lifting regime will not be tolerated under any circumstances, and the response of the Islamic Republic of Iran will be firm and decisive,” Iran’s statement warned. 

It appreciated China and Russia for their constructive actions and positions at the UN Security Council, the Board of Governors and the Joint Commission for the preservation and implementation of JCPOA.

“There is no alternative to this agreement,” the document stressed, adding that if there is a political will to preserve this agreement, it is essential to ensure the balanced implementation of the agreement in good faith. 

“While reiterating its readiness to preserve and fully implement the provisions of JCPOA … Iran is determined to take decisive action against any exaggeration and irresponsible behavior.”