Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei advised the branches of power against getting involved in disputes, calling for greater unity to confront the enemies.
“An atmosphere of conflict among the heads of state bodies is harmful and disappointing for the public,” he said in a videoconference with the parliament on Sunday, Leader.ir reported.
He highlighted domestic unity and integrity as a general duty of all authorities while the enemies’ front, “at the forefront of which is the United States”, is using all its political, economic and propaganda clout to bring the strong Iranian nation to its knees.
“Under the circumstances, despite domestic differences of opinion, we need to join hands and speak in one voice against the enemy,” the Leader said.
The US has imposed tough sanctions on Iran since its withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal two years ago. The economic issues arising from the pressure have triggered internal disputes over the handling of the problems.
Ayatollah Khamenei stressed the importance of the parliament’s supervisory role, saying that this duty needs to be fulfilled wisely, with restraint and without stirring up agitation.
“People’s noticeable participation in the latest parliamentary election, despite the economic difficulties and the discouraging propaganda, signals their optimism over the resolution of problems,” he said, calling on parliamentarians to seize this opportunity.
“The four-year period is a great opportunity to facilitate the country’s progress and make a great impact on the process of problem solving and Iran’s future development.”
The Leader compared Iran’s multiple economic problems to an illness, saying the country will be able to overcome this disease, thanks to its great staying power.
Inflation, devaluation of national currency, illogically high prices, manufacturing and sanctions-related problems are among the key issues that have affected people’s livelihoods, according to the Leader, especially for the lower- and middle-income strata.
Nevertheless, he added, tapping only parts of the country’s enormous resources has led to the launch of thousands of knowledge-based organizations, implementation of hundreds of infrastructural projects and development of military and space industries.
Ayatollah Khamenei said some of the prevailing problems stem from the negligence of state officials over different years.
If the notion of self-sufficiency and national confidence is promoted and the domestic strength is used, “I’m absolutely certain that these economic problems can be solved,” he said.
Advice for Lawmakers
The Leader advised parliamentarians to give priority to fundamental issues and avoid focusing on unimportant and marginal issues.
The main economic priorities, according to him, currently include “boosting production and employment, controlling inflation, managing the monetary and financial system and reducing dependence on oil.”
He also urged lawmakers to improve their cooperation with other branches of power, namely the government and the judiciary.
“The Majlis should realistically consider the potential of the country in its directives,” he said.
Ayatollah Khamenei expressed deep sorrow over the resurgence of the coronavirus disease and the heavy daily death toll, greatly appreciating the valuable services of the health sector once again.
“Despite all these services, some people don’t even do the simple task of wearing a mask and I really feel apologetic to nurses who are making sacrifices while extending services,” he said.
The Covid-19 pandemic that had been contained to a great extent has now resurfaced following the lifting of restrictions.