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Thriving Production Helps Immunize, Bolster Economy

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei stressed the importance of production, describing it as essential for immunizing the country’s economy against risks. 

In a video call with seven manufacturers on the occasion of National Workers Week on Wednesday, the Leader compared economic production to the human body’s immune system, reported. 

“Just as the body’s immune system is important in fighting viruses, once production is adequate and progressing, it can protect the country’s economic body against natural viruses and manmade ones such as sanctions or oil price fluctuations, and other factors,” he said. 

Ayatollah Khamenei also said production is a major requirement for building a strong national economy. 

“A nation’s capability in producing its own essential goods will not only give it self-confidence and self-esteem, but it will also pave the way for public welfare and increase the country’s GDP and export levels,” he said. 

The Leader, however, said the current pace of production is not sufficient to make up for the past shortfalls.

“The movement has begun, but the continuation of its moderate pace will not solve the country’s problems; an added activity and surge is needed,” he said. 

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that to achieve this target, certain strategies need to be employed, such as promoting public participation in the economy. 

“Supporting manufacturers is another key method for meeting this end. This does not only involve the allocation of funds, but also requires authorities to remove obstacles in the way of investment and entrepreneurship,” he said.  

Relaxing tight regulations, levying or abolishing taxes when necessary and combating smuggling and financial and administrative corruption were among the essential steps mentioned by the Leader. 

A ban on unnecessary imports is another policy that can help achieve a surge a production. 

“We are not against imports, but insist that a commodity that is or can be produced domestically should not be imported,” he said. 

The Leader also highlighted the role of workers in building a sound economy and facilitating wealth generation, by calling for extending appropriate support to this hardworking group. 

“Businesses and employers should increase their workforce’s skills as well as their share of revenues, while workers also work more responsibly and without negligence,” he said. 

Ayatollah Khamenei underlined the need to uphold workers’ rights, including paying a fair wage on time and without delay, ensuring job security, providing insurance and easing access to welfare and health services.