
Rouhani's Envoy Meets Putin

Rouhani's Envoy Meets Putin
Rouhani's Envoy Meets Putin

President Hassan Rouhani's special envoy conferred with Russian President Vladimir Putin and his ministers of energy and foreign affairs.       

In the meeting with the Russian president, Energy Minister Alexander Novak and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov in Moscow on late Wednesday, Ali Akbar Velayati submitted Rouhani's message to his Russian counterpart, ISNA reported.  

The ways to expand political and economic cooperation and promote relations between Tehran and Moscow as well as the latest regional and international developments were discussed by the officials.

Velayati, who is a senior adviser to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, and Putin agreed to make efforts to help improve Iran's position in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Ambassador to Moscow Mehdi Sanaei and Deputy Foreign Minister Ebrahim Rahimpour accompanied Velayati in the visit.

After his meeting with the Russian president, Velayati told IRNA, "The Russian president welcomed President Rouhani's message which will positively affect bilateral and regional relations."

Referring to his private meeting with Putin, Velayati said, "In this bilateral meeting, regional and international cooperation were discussed."

"Regarding bilateral cooperation, Tehran and Moscow are determined to establish strategic, long-term and comprehensive relations."

He pointed to Russia's role in nuclear talks between Iran and the major powers and said, "Putin stressed continued Tehran-Moscow cooperation on nuclear negotiations."