
US the Only Wild Card in Indo-Iranian Ties

US the Only Wild Card in Indo-Iranian Ties
US the Only Wild Card in Indo-Iranian Ties

The two-day trip of Indian foreign minister to Iran featured extensive discussions on bilateral ties, with an expert commenting on how the complementary nature of Iran-India relations is being adversely impacted by the US.
Nozar Shafiei, an expert on Indo-Iranian affairs, talked to IRNA about the various aspects of ties between the two Asian powerhouses, saying Iran and India are “natural allies” whose economic and cultural interactions ensure mutual benefits for the two sides.
Shafiei said India simply cannot afford to overlook Iran’s geopolitical significance. 
“This has encouraged cooperation when it comes to the development of [Iran’s] Chabahar Port, construction of the 135-mile-long Route 606 and the improvement of transport connectivity through the International North-South Transport Corridor,” he added.


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