
Voter Turnout Shared Concern of Principlists, Reformists

Voter Turnout Shared Concern of Principlists, Reformists
Voter Turnout Shared Concern of Principlists, Reformists

The issue of voter turnout in the upcoming parliamentary elections is a cause of concern for both principlists and reformists, says a political figure who believes that the reformist camp should step up its efforts to bring more people to the polls. 
"Both parties are extremely concerned about people's participation in the elections. However, the difference is that reformists prefer a high voter turnout while their rivals prefer a limited participation," Abdolvahed Mousavi-Lari, a member of Reformist Policymaking Council, told ISNA in a recent interview.
The February 2020 parliamentary vote will be held under conditions where the struggle of ordinary Iranians to make ends meet has become harder since last year when US President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from Tehran's nuclear deal with world powers and reimposed sanctions on the country.


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